Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Swap the Books You Don't Want
for Books You DO Want

I'm scared to count how many books I have. 3 bookcases packed full, dozens in my garage, under my bed, at my parent's house... Nonetheless, I'm always craving more but need to get rid of some old ones to make way for new ones, lest my home becomes a firetrap. Last year I became addicted to On this site, you can trade old for new, and it's very cheap. You pay only for the postage on the books you mail. You don't even need to buy packing materials as the service encourages traders to wrap their books in regular printer paper and tape. Most of the books I trade I mail for less than $2, and it's great to get a book for free with the points you earn from mailing your books to others. You mail a book: you get a point. You get a book: you lose a point. It couldn't be simpler. And maybe I'm just lucky but I've received 15 books so far and only one was in less-than-stellar condition (which I dealt with as it's a hard-to-find and out-of-print book by noted scribe Zsa Zsa Gabor.) Go ahead and mock me; I can handle it.

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